HKEX to introduce additional RMB Currency Futures on May 30

May 24, 2016

HONG KONG - Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) has received regulatory approval to introduce its planned cash-settled Euro-Renminbi (RMB), Japanese yen-RMB, Australian dollar-RMB and RMB-US dollar futures on Monday, May 30.

The RMB-US dollar futures will trade in US dollars and the others will trade in RMB. 

HKEX says the RMB currency futures provide the following benefits through a single electronic trading system:
? Hedging and risk management opportunities;
? Capital efficiency of exchange-traded futures;
? Block trade facility offers over-the-counter market flexibility with minimal counterparty risk;
? Dedicated liquidity providers to provide competitive bid-ask spreads; and
? Same Asian time zone for liquidity aggregation
Exchange Fees for the new futures will be waived for Futures Exchange Participants (FEPs) and their clients from the start of trading on the launch date until the close of afternoon trading on November 30, 2016.

In addition, HKEX is offering a joint promotion programme from May 30 to November 30 to help FEPs introduce the new products to their clients. (ATI).